A dedicated algorithm for PcComponentes for better opportunities exploration

How Twenga helped PcComponentes to give visibility to specific segments of products thanks to a tailored infrastructure

PcComponentes, a leading Spanish e-commerce platform specializing in electronics and home appliances, has significantly boosted its market presence and sales with the help of Twenga since 2019. By leveraging Twenga’s advanced algorithm and custom campaigns, PcComponentes achieved a 66% increase in sales, a 1.39pp improvement in conversion rates, and a 65% rise in average order value. Twenga’s continuous optimization and tailored approach, focusing on high-margin product segments, have enhanced visibility and advertising efficiency. Effective communication and strategic planning between the companies have also played a crucial role in this success.

About PcComponentes:

  • Description: PcComponentes is a leading Spanish e-commerce platform specializing in electronic and home appliance products with over 20 years of experience and more than 650 employees. In 2017, they began selling in Portugal and expanded their model to France and Italy in 2023.
  • Markets: Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France
  • Headquarters: Alhama de Murcia (Spain)
  • Website: https://www.pccomponentes.com/

About Twenga:

  • Description: Twenga is a Premium CSS that supplements merchants’ strategies on Google and Bing Shopping ads through its proprietary bidding algorithm, which drives incremental sales with no overlapping with any other strategy.
  • Markets: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Poland, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden
  • Headquarters: Paris


PcComponentes general objectives are to increase their market share by 15% over the coming years. Due to tight supply chain costs, the client needed to generate incremental sales through their various marketing channels with high efficiency. Increase the visibility of their products and improve consideration.


  • Twenga began working with PcComponentes through affiliate platforms since 2019.
  • Steps:
    1. Initial data analysis and goal setting with the client.
    2. Integration of Twenga’s algorithm into a custom-created campaign.
    3. Manual optimizations until the algorithm could autonomously make bidding decisions.
    4. Continuous monitoring and adjustments based on campaign performance with multiple objectives: improving client visibility and sales, and maximizing traffic acquisition given a specific CPA for each vertical that determined PcComponentes’ ROI objectives.
  • In October 2023, the new Twenga algorithm was implemented, significantly enhancing the exploration capacity for opportunities: By computing historical data, we were able to participate in a greater number and better auctions than before.
  • The client sets different CPA levels depending on their interest in a specific product vertical, and Twenga adapted the algorithm according to this indication.

What PcCponentes is saying about Twenga:

“The collaboration with Twenga has transformed our presence on Google Shopping Ads. Thanks to their advanced predictive algorithm, we have seen a significant increase in our sales and a very positive return on investment. Twenga manages our campaigns with precision, optimizing their bids and leading to a +50% increase in sales since 2021, focusing on categories we are interested in promoting. We will continue to trust Twenga for our online promotion strategies, both with their CSS and the price comparison tool.”

Nuria Ardiaca  

Head of affiliate marketing

Results: Before and After the New Algorithm:

  • +66% increase in sales vs. the first half of 2021 (comparison period as all months had active campaigns)
  • +1.39pp improvement in conversion rate compared to the previous setup
  • +65% increase in average order value: focus on opportunities in the long-tail catalog
  • Increase in CPA by +0.44pp with emphasis on product verticals of greater interest to the client: Home appliances, Networks, and Cables.

Tools Used and Optimizations:

  • Algorithm designed for the client aimed at exploring new auction opportunities for primarily long-tail searches. The client focuses on the most competitive or strategic products.
  • Reporting and tracking tools provided by AWIN.
  • Specific incentives (fixed budget) that helped accelerate traffic during promotional periods.
  • Continuous communication with the client: Marketing calendar and top products to promote..


Sales Value vs 2021


Conversion Rate YoY



Key Takeaways:

  • Significant increase in sales and online visibility thanks to a custom solution for the client.
  • Improved advertising spend efficiency by giving more visibility to product segments with higher margins vs. other products where the client is already well-positioned. Mainly home products.
  • The proprietary algorithm follows a continuous learning process that, by computing more historical data, makes increasingly optimized bidding decisions following a continuous cycle.
  • Recent integration of more than 100k products in our price comparison tool: www.twenga.es where the client has special visibility thanks to their competitive pricing strategy.
  • The importance of fluid and direct communication with the client allows us to better adapt to their overall strategy and align more easily.

Get new clients from Price Comparison Sites and Network of partners to your ecommerce:

Display your products when shoppers search for them

Dedicated merchant page to boost your visibility

Free traffic or optimized CPC based on your strategy

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Get new clients from Price Comparison Sites and Network of partners to your ecommerce:

Display your products when shoppers search for them

Dedicated merchant page to boost your visibility

Free traffic or optimized CPC based on your strategy

Contact us

  • Twenga’s solution for SMBs: Easy list your products with our available apps on Shopify, Ecwid, Prestashop and Shopware

  • A dedicated algorithm for PcComponentes for better opportunities exploration

  • Maximizing Joom Marketplace Visibility with Twenga CSS

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